Luca Masserano

Hello! I am Luca, a PhD student in the Joint PhD Program in Statistics and Machine Learning at Carnegie Mellon University, where I am fortunate to be advised by Ann B. Lee and BarnabĂĄs PĂłczos.

I am broadly interested in statistics and machine learning, with a current focus on robust uncertainty quantification in likelihood-free settings: I develop methods with sound statistical guarantees leveraging modern machine learning (e.g., deep generative models) to quantify the uncertainty on parameters that govern complex physical processes.

I have also been working on probabilistic forecasting and optimization during various internships, and I am keen on learning more about these topics too. At CMU, I am part of the Statistical Methods for the Physical Sciences (STAMPS) group. My research has been supported by the National Science Foundation (grant #2020295) and by the CMU 2024 Presidential Fellowship for the Statistics Department.

I spent this summer as a Machine Learning Scientist Intern at AWS AI Labs in Santa Clara (CA), working on foundation models for time series forecasting.

Before joining CMU, I obtained an M.Sc. in Data Science (Statistics) at Bocconi University in Milan (Italy), where I was advised by Igor Pruenster and Antonio Lijoi.

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Publications and Preprints
Enhancing Foundation Models for Time Series Forecasting via Wavelet-based Tokenization

Luca Masserano, Abdul Fatir Ansari, Boran Han, Xiyuan Zhang, Christos Faloutsos, Michael Mahoney, Andrew Gordon Wilson, Youngsuk Park, Syama Sundar Rangapuram, Danielle Robinson Yuyang Wang
Under Review, 2024

We develop a wavelet-based tokenizer that allows language models to learn complex representations directly in the space of time-localized frequencies and achieve superior forecasting accuracy. By decomposing coarse and fine structures in the inputs, wavelets provide an eloquent and compact language for time series that simplifies learning.

Classification under Nuisance Parameters and Generalized Label Shift in Likelihood-Free Inference

Luca Masserano, Alex Shen, Tommaso Dorigo, Michele Doro, Rafael Izbicki, Ann B. Lee
ICML, 2024
[ paper / code ]

We propose a new method for robust uncertainty quantification that casts classification as a hypothesis testing problem under nuisance parameters. The key idea is to estimate the classifier’s ROC across the entire nuisance parameter space, which allows us to devise cutoffs that are invariant under generalized label shifts. Our method effectively endows a pre-trained classifier with domain adaptation capabilities and returns valid prediction sets while maintaining high power.

End-to-end Learning of Mixed-Integer Programs via Stochastic Perturbations

Luca Masserano, Syama Sundar Rangapuram, Lorenzo Stella, Konstantinos Benidis, Ugo Rosolia, Michael Bohlke-Schneider
In preparation, 2023

We developed theory and methodology to embed arbitrary mixed-integer programs as differentiable blocks of deep learning pipelines via stochastic perturbations of the optimization inputs. We also proposed to exploit inluence functions to do sensitivity analysis on the combinatorial solvers and drive perturbations in the optimal direction.

Simulation-Based Inference with WALDO: Confidence Regions by Leveraging Prediction Algorithms and Posterior Estimators for Inverse Problems

Luca Masserano, Tommaso Dorigo, Rafael Izbicki, Mikael Kuusela, Ann B. Lee
Winner of the 2023 American Statistical Association SPES Student Paper Competition
[ paper / code / docs ]

WALDO allows to exploit arbitrary prediction algorithms and posterior estimators to construct reliable confidence sets for parameters of interest in simulation-based inference, i.e. when the likelihood is intractable but we can sample from it. Confidence sets from WALDO are guaranteed to be valid at the correct coverage level without being overly conservative. In addition, one can still exploit prior knowledge to achieve tighter constraints.

Adaptive Sampling for Probabilistic Forecasting under Distribution Shift

Luca Masserano, Syama Sundar Rangapuram, Shubham Kapoor, Rajbir Singh Nirwan, Youngsuk Park, Michael Bohlke-Schneider
NeurIPS Distribution Shifts Workshop (DistShift), 2022
[ paper ]

We present an adaptive sampling strategy that selects the part of the time series history that is relevant for forecasting. We achieve this by learning a discrete distribution over relevant time steps by Bayesian optimization. We instantiate this idea with a two-step method that is pre-trained with uniform sampling and then training a lightweight adaptive architecture with adaptive sampling.

Likelihood-Free Frequentist Inference: Confidence Sets with Correct Conditional Coverage

Niccolò Dalmasso*, Luca Masserano*, David Zhao, Rafael Izbicki, Ann B. Lee
Electronic Journal of Statistics
[ paper / code / docs / supplementary material ], *equal contribution

In this work, we propose a unified and modular inference framework that bridges classical statistics and modern machine learning in SBI/LFI providing (i) a practical approach to the Neyman construction of confidence sets with frequentist finite-sample coverage for any value of the unknown parameters; and (ii) interpretable diagnostics that estimate the empirical coverage across the entire parameter space.

Amazon - AWS AI LABS
Machine Learning Scientist Intern
Manager: Danielle Robinson, Mentors: Ansari A.F., Han B., Zhang X., Rangapuram S.
June-August 2024, Santa Clara (California)

I worked on developing new Foundation Models for time series forecasting, specifically with an eye on using tokenizers based on wavelets.

Amazon - AWS AI LABS
Machine Learning Scientist Intern
Manager: Lorenzo Stella, Mentor: Syama Sundar Rangapuram
June-August 2023, Berlin (Germany)

Developed theory and methodology to embed arbitrary mixed-integer programs as differentiable blocks of deep learning pipelines via stochastic perturbations of the optimization inputs. Proposed to exploit inluence functions to do sensitivity analysis on the combinatorial solvers and drive perturbations in the optimal direction.

Amazon - AWS AI LABS
Machine Learning Scientist Intern
Manager: Michael Bohlke-Schneider, Mentor: Syama Sundar Rangapuram
June-August 2022, Berlin (Germany)

Built a time series forecasting method that is robust under distribution shifts. I proposed a novel adaptive sampling approach and delivered an implementation that (i) avoids noisy data regions, (ii) focuses on relevant shifted region in the past, and (iii) has also promising first results with real-world datasets with known distribution shifts.

BlackRock - Financial Modeling Group (FMG)
Quantitative Analyst Intern
Manager: Joo Chew Ang
July-September 2019, London (UK)

Designed and developed a new research platform that allows to inspect the downstream effect of any modification in a suite of equity risk models. This platform streamlined the research process by reducing time between idea generation and implementation. I also worked with software engineers to refine compliance of production code with quantitative models' logic.

Data Scientist Intern
Mentors: Carlo Baldassi, Carlo Lucibello
March-May 2019, Milan (Italy)

Exploited various statistical models to improve real-time detection of damaged integrated circuits produced in a semiconductor plant in southern Italy.

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